Donald Vorp from Princeton Theological Seminary speaking on growth of public theology in Brazil #salalm60 Bronwen K. Maxson soccerbrarian
RT @alisonhicks0: Students searching in Google are engaging more in research than a student using a LibGuide. discuss. #salalm60 Bronwen K. Maxson soccerbrarian
Princeton graduate went to Brazil as a missionary in 1869. #salalm60 Now, 5000 missionaries from Brazil are sent to Africa and Middle East Bronwen K. Maxson soccerbrarian
"Brazilian Christianity" points to conceptual problem; a single unified expression or a series of multiple varying expressions?#salalm60 Bronwen K. Maxson soccerbrarian
Seminary students at Princeton use both Firestone Library and Seminary Library. Donald Vorp on Studying Brazilian Christianity #salalm60 Daisy V. Domínguez daisilla
RT @soccerbrarian: Donald M. Vorp, Princeton Theological Seminary Libr: German Lutherans then Presbyterians arrive in Brazil #salalm60 http… Daisy V. Domínguez daisilla
RT @m_gasparotto: I swear I intended to live tweet all of #salalm60 but the presentations have been so engaging that I haven't even thought… Melissa Gasparotto m_gasparotto
I swear I intended to live tweet all of #salalm60 but the presentations have been so engaging that I haven't even thought of using my phone! Bronwen K. Maxson soccerbrarian
Donald M. Vorp, Princeton Theological Seminary Libr: German Lutherans then Presbyterians arrive in Brazil #salalm60 Tracy North tnor27
Important side note in Betsaida Reyes' e-book analysis: her original data set will be made available for others to use #salalm60 Melissa Gasparotto m_gasparotto
RT @soccerbrarian: English Publishing on Brazilian hip hop is mainly academic. Need to collect from non-scholar experts who've lived the cu… Melissa Gasparotto m_gasparotto
RT @daisilla: Thank u Socrates Silva 4 disrupting sound in ur panel by playing music! We shld b swaying while learning beyond libreros rece… Daisy V. Domínguez daisilla
Thank u Socrates Silva 4 disrupting sound in ur panel by playing music! We shld b swaying while learning beyond libreros reception #salalm60 Elvia Arroyo-Ramirez elvia_arroyo
RT @soccerbrarian: Socrates Silva on Samba, choro, baião: Documenting Early Brazilian Sound Recordings at UCSB Library #salalm60 http://t.c… Daisy V. Domínguez daisilla
RT @soccerbrarian: Socrates Silva on Samba, choro, baião: Documenting Early Brazilian Sound Recordings at UCSB Library #salalm60 http://t.c… Daisy V. Domínguez daisilla
RT @soccerbrarian: Suzanne Schadl talks about theory behind project to disrupt space. Library learning is more than IL #salalm60 (1/2) http… Bronwen K. Maxson soccerbrarian
Socrates Silva on Samba, choro, baião: Documenting Early Brazilian Sound Recordings at UCSB Library #salalm60 erick bello bellosoccer3
RT @elvia_arroyo:#salalm60 Schadl + Faria space disruption for exhibit, created informative facsimiles of cartoneras from archival collect… Tracy North tnor27
Fascinating analysis of library holdings of Brazilian publications by UF's Paul Losch. Look forward to reading the paper! #salalm60 Daisy V. Domínguez daisilla
RT @soccerbrarian: Viviane Faria on displaying cordeis and cartoneras from Brazil in a disruptive way at UNM library #salalm60 (2/2) http:/… Bronwen K. Maxson soccerbrarian
Viviane Faria on displaying cordeis and cartoneras from Brazil in a disruptive way at UNM library #salalm60 (2/2) Elvia Arroyo-Ramirez elvia_arroyo
#salalm60 Schadl + Faria space disruption for exhibit, created informative facsimiles of cartoneras from archival collection at UNM Bronwen K. Maxson soccerbrarian
RT @daisilla: Schadl: we don't know what we don't know; involve all types of experts Third Space Intersections #salalm60 Daisy V. Domínguez daisilla
RT @elvia_arroyo: Schadl + Ferreira da Faria: Homi Bhabha's third space important for sharing library resources and collections #salalm60 Daisy V. Domínguez daisilla
Schadl: we don't know what we don't know; involve all types of experts Third Space Intersections #salalm60 Elvia Arroyo-Ramirez elvia_arroyo
Schadl + Ferreira da Faria: Homi Bhabha's third space important for sharing library resources and collections #salalm60 Bronwen K. Maxson soccerbrarian
Suzanne Schadl talks about theory behind project to disrupt space. Library learning is more than IL #salalm60 (1/2) Daisy V. Domínguez daisilla
T-Kay Sangwand presenting "A procura da batida perfeita: The Art of (Collecting) Brazilian Hip Hop. #salalm60 Tim Thompson timathom
@tttkay #salalm60 acquisition trips, student/faculty recs necessary to capture underground hyper local hip hop ephemera Bronwen K. Maxson soccerbrarian
English Publishing on Brazilian hip hop is mainly academic. Need to collect from non-scholar experts who've lived the culture too #salalm60 Elvia Arroyo-Ramirez elvia_arroyo
@tttkay Brazilian hip hop publishing trends: Urbanization and space, diasporic communities examined through hip hop lyrics @salalm60 Tim Thompson timathom
@tttkay Brazilian Culture and Society in North American Library Collections "A procura da batida perfeita" #salalm60 Tim Thompson timathom
RT @alisonhicks0: Like in most studies, students in Craig schroer’s class were accustomed to and comfortable with banking model of educatio… Kris Shaffer krisshaffer
RT @alisonhicks0: Not practical to do away with rubrics all together, b/c students didn’t know what to do with freedom #salalm60 Kris Shaffer krisshaffer
Student designed Rubrics only served to position students as both oppressor and oppressed #salalm60#critlib Alison Hicks alisonhicks0
Like in most studies, students in Craig schroer’s class were accustomed to and comfortable with banking model of education #salalm60 Alison Hicks alisonhicks0
Grading rubrics are symptom of testing and codification, banking model. Students expect and are comfortable with rubrics #salalm60 Daisy V. Domínguez daisilla
Craig Schroer: Daily Show, Colbert Report etc. form of dialogic Freire advocated used in library classes #salalm60 Jesus AlonsoRegalado jalonsoregalado
Collection related to Afro-Brazilian identity #salalm60 (2/2) Bronwen K. Maxson soccerbrarian
Tim Thompson demos Gephi a social networking software using imported metadata from an archival collection #salalm60 Jesus AlonsoRegalado jalonsoregalado
@alisonhicks0 "Pedagogy for the Oppressed? The Question of LibGuides #salalm60 Alison Hicks alisonhicks0
RT @daisilla:@alisonhicks0 suggests basic-rad ways 2 help empower students 2 reflect on their place in research process & construction of … Daisy V. Domínguez daisilla
@alisonhicks0 suggests basic-rad ways 2 help empower students 2 reflect on their place in research process & construction of truth #salalm60 Jesus AlonsoRegalado jalonsoregalado
@alisonhicks0 encourages acknowledging emotion when building libguides #salalm60 Alison Hicks alisonhicks0
Pedagogy of the oppressed is a multi-layered work #salalm60 Alison Hicks alisonhicks0
Getting ready to smash the patriarchy in panel 20, Freire in a connected world... #salalm60 British Library Labs BL_Labs
RT @alisonhicks0: Libraries don’t think strategically about international activities > discrepancy between campus and library goals #salalm… bibliotekah tttkay
I missed it, but Wayne Bivens-Tatum spoke during panel 13 at #salalm60 today about what he wants from library ebooks Jovan JovanH
Hi @nataliembaur, saw your #salalm60 archives. Think I know of a service that can help archive. DM if you'd like to chat/the link. Bronwen K. Maxson soccerbrarian
RT @TaliaGuzman2: Miguel Valladares from UVa entertaining the audience at #salalm60 Town Hall meeting. Next year in Charlottesville! http:/… Talia Guzman TaliaGuzman2
Miguel Valladares from UVa entertaining the audience at #salalm60 Town Hall meeting. Next year in Charlottesville! Alison Hicks alisonhicks0
RT @alisonhicks0: Previous high levels of international funding was linked to cold war fears- more feelings of safety lead to less funding … Melissa Gasparotto m_gasparotto
RT @daisilla: Cool that panelist cited our Medina Award winner Schadl article. SALALMander impact even tho this wont come up in citation re… Angela thrashbash27
RT @alisonhicks0: Many international students are first generation students too> interesting, have rarely seen this acknowledged #salalm60 Molly Hansen mollyrosesmiles
With our first raffle winner, Myra Torres-Alamo! Congrats, Myra! There's still one more Oxford raffle! #salalm60 Bronwen K. Maxson soccerbrarian
For Adelman, MOOCs were an opportunity to teach with active learning and now, library is experimental lab for soc. sci. students #salalm60 Daisy V. Domínguez daisilla
RT @alisonhicks0: Libraries don’t think strategically about international activities > discrepancy between campus and library goals #salalm… Alison Hicks alisonhicks0
Libraries don’t think strategically about international activities > discrepancy between campus and library goals #salalm60 Bronwen K. Maxson soccerbrarian
RT @alisonhicks0: Books are an underperforming asset class... Discuss. #salalm60 getting provocative at the internationalization session... Bronwen K. Maxson soccerbrarian
RT @alisonhicks0: Previous high levels of international funding was linked to cold war fears- more feelings of safety lead to less funding … Bronwen K. Maxson soccerbrarian
RT @daisilla: Cool that panelist cited our Medina Award winner Schadl article. SALALMander impact even tho this wont come up in citation re… Daisy V. Domínguez daisilla
Cool that panelist cited our Medina Award winner Schadl article. SALALMander impact even tho this wont come up in citation report. #salalm60 Alison Hicks alisonhicks0
Value and circulation numbers- what is the relationship? #salalm60 Donna Lanclos DonnaLanclos
Books are an underperforming asset class... Discuss. #salalm60 getting provocative at the internationalization session... Alison Hicks alisonhicks0
PDA is destroying the research library. discuss... #salalm60 Alison Hicks alisonhicks0
Previous high levels of international funding was linked to cold war fears- more feelings of safety lead to less funding #salalm60 Jesus AlonsoRegalado jalonsoregalado
RT @alisonhicks0: Many international students are first generation students too> interesting, have rarely seen this acknowledged #salalm60 Jesus AlonsoRegalado jalonsoregalado
Teaching faculty should contact and work with area studies librarians before and during travel abroad #salalm60@jalonsoregalado Alison Hicks alisonhicks0
NYU hid books that might not have got past censor in middle of shipments in order to start library in China #salalm60 Bronwen K. Maxson soccerbrarian
RT @alisonhicks0: I have mixed feelings about Dig Hum, but one benefit is rise, expansion of interest in #infolit that goes beyond research… Alison Hicks alisonhicks0
Libraries as fixed points in a fluid campus. Hmm. Not sure I agree with that one?. #salalm60 Bronwen K. Maxson soccerbrarian
Panel 15, The impact of campus internationalization on the research library #salalm60 Alison Hicks alisonhicks0
Engineering library reports to area studies not sciences department in library, purposeful reaction to internationalization >nice #salalm60 Alison Hicks alisonhicks0
Internationalization as bricks and mortar changes... Hmm, unfortunate metaphor, me thinks #salalm60 Alison Hicks alisonhicks0
Many international students are first generation students too> interesting, have rarely seen this acknowledged #salalm60 Alison Hicks alisonhicks0
I have mixed feelings about Dig Hum, but one benefit is rise, expansion of interest in #infolit that goes beyond research papers #salalm60 SALALM salalm
#SALALM60 no-host lunch re: Digital Scholarship, TEI, teaching methods, helping digital scholars. Meiyolet Méndez MeiMendez
RT @TaliaGuzman2: Tracy North talks about the HLAS as a Gateway to the Library of Congress' collections. #salalm60 Daniel N. Joudrey dnjoudrey
RT @soccerbrarian: "Should libraries support crowdsourcing projects for collection development purposes?" .@jalonsoregalado #salalm60 http… Daniel N. Joudrey dnjoudrey
If libraries support OA journals edited by faculty in our academic institutions, why not also their crowdfunding projects? #salalm60 bLAM Collective bLAMcollective
#salalm60 Would love to search across Princeton's ephemera AND poster collections and Brazil's Popular Groups in one place! #dreamarchives Meiyolet Méndez MeiMendez
La próxima fase será la visualización y modeling D3 #salalm60 bibliotekah tttkay
#salalm60 Susana Arias Arévalo presenting on Proyecto Fondo Antiguo (16-17th c.) de la Universidad Católica de Chile SAA's LACCHA SAA_LACCHA
RT @tttkay:#salalm60 there's a misconception that digital research is inherently easier which isn't always true. it can be just as tedious… Casalini Libri CasaliniLibri
At 8.30 we'll be discussing #eBooks : Vendor Update and a Librarian’s Response.
See you in East Pyne 010.
#salalm60 natalie baur nataliembaur
@tttkay yep especially since it's so hard to cherry pick. Anyway this convo is getting deep---I gotta get up early for my #salalm60 panel! bibliotekah tttkay
#salalm60 on unnecessary work? 5/5 bibliotekah tttkay
#salalm60 esp if there's poor metadata. besides why not automate processes that facilitate scholarly inquiry instead of spending time (4/?) Jesus AlonsoRegalado jalonsoregalado
#salalm60 there's a misconception that digital research is inherently easier which isn't always true. it can be just as tedious (3/?) bibliotekah tttkay
#salalm60 research methods. instead why aren't we encouraging them to leverage tech for developing new dig scholarship methods. (2/?) bibliotekah tttkay
#salalm60 thinking back on panel 4, i really dont understand older academics' who say students need to "suffer" through old school (1/?) Tim Thompson timathom
Mary explains to Antonio that catching luciérnagas (not cucubanos) is a good way to tire out your children #salalm60 Harold matinee72
Sweet: #salalm60 host reception guitarist goes deep catalog with Babe I'm Gonna Leave You from Led Zeppelin I. Kudos for Ruby Tuesday also. Meiyolet Méndez MeiMendez
RT @daisilla: Ramirez Luhrs' students created metacognitive top 10 things u should know about immigrants & plastered on campus #salalm60 Tracy North tnor27
Thoughtful panel about digitized primary sources #salalm60 for Content for_Content
RT @daisilla: Ramirez Luhrs' students created metacognitive top 10 things u should know about immigrants & plastered on campus #salalm60 Meiyolet Méndez MeiMendez
@jalonsoregalado libraries support crowdfund projects and if amount goal is met, library receives copy. Anyone else doing this? #salalm60 Tim Thompson timathom
"Should libraries support crowdsourcing projects for collection development purposes?" .@jalonsoregalado #salalm60 Daisy V. Domínguez daisilla
@jalonsoregalado: Should libraries support crowdfunding projects for collection development purposes? #salalm60 Alison Hicks alisonhicks0
At the end of the OA panel, panelists discussed amongst ourselves if and when librarians become publishers #salalm60 Alison Hicks alisonhicks0
.@jalonsoregalado in action at Roda Viva #salalm60 Bronwen K. Maxson soccerbrarian
Lief Adelson suggests Mexico create a national digital library to become a leader in digital publishing #rodaviva#salalm60 SAA's LACCHA SAA_LACCHA
Digital curation of archival and ephemeral collections: enhancing access and discovery #salalm60 Bronwen K. Maxson soccerbrarian
RT @alisonhicks0: Standing room only now at Roda Viva- next year, we need a bigger space! #salalm60 SAA's LACCHA SAA_LACCHA
Difusão e acesso as fontes históricas #salalm60 Alison Hicks alisonhicks0
Standing room only now at Roda Viva- next year, we need a bigger space! #salalm60 SAA's LACCHA SAA_LACCHA
RT @MeiMendez: Libraries as symbols of power & privilege. Learning abt history of the Portuguese royal library & its transfer to Brasil in … Alison Hicks alisonhicks0
academic fetishization of the analog is real. there's still a real wariness of digital. the term "danger" is used several times #salalm60 bibliotekah tttkay
can we stop referring to people as slaves? "slaves" were humans who were enslaved. #salalm60 bibliotekah tttkay
#salalm60 Dr Wiliams: would like to see advanced free txt searching in newspapers to limit to ads, editorials, etc. #digitalscholarship Meiyolet Méndez MeiMendez
best part of #salalm60 is hanging out with mateo again! hadn't hung out w/ him since salalm in trinidad! #throwback Daisy V. Domínguez daisilla
#salalm60 Dr. WIlliams talking abt how microfilm is hard for scholars to use. We need to spend $ on building dig. partnerships not microfilm Cathy Collins bl_eap
RT @soccerbrarian: .@AquilesBrayner from .@britishlibrary "Digital Scholarship and its Impact on Latin American Studies" #salalm60 http:/… Aquiles Brayner AquilesBrayner
RT @soccerbrarian: .@AquilesBrayner from .@britishlibrary "Digital Scholarship and its Impact on Latin American Studies" #salalm60 http:/… Aquiles Brayner AquilesBrayner
RT @soccerbrarian: .@AquilesBrayner from .@britishlibrary "Digital Scholarship and its Impact on Latin American Studies" #salalm60 http:/… Aquiles Brayner AquilesBrayner
Announcing @BL_Labs 2015 winners at Digital Scholarship panel #salalm60 Molly Molloy mollyemolloy
¡Me encanta que los SALALManders son la manos a la obra! Buscando conectores, bajando las persianas, acomodándonos y ayudándonos! #salalm60 bibliotekah tttkay
#salalm60 panel on scholarly perspectives on primary sources. Are the only Brazilianists male? #askingforafriend bibliotekah tttkay
@irrationalratio i just learned at #salalm60 that non CRL institutions can still submit a project proposal to LAMP/LARRP. Daisy V. Domínguez daisilla
#salalm60 YASSSSS. @smschadl: How can LARPP help broker postcustodial partnerships for institutions that can't engage that sort of model? Daisy V. Domínguez daisilla
#salalm60 But I wonder if influence of institution such as @britishlibrary makes people more inclined to participate in crowdsourcing? SAA's LACCHA SAA_LACCHA
@jalonsoregalado: @AquilesBrayner presenting on digital scholarship & its impact on Latin American studies #salalm60 Meiyolet Méndez MeiMendez
.@AquilesBrayner from .@britishlibrary "Digital Scholarship and its Impact on Latin American Studies" #salalm60 bibliotekah tttkay
Forgot my📱; thx AJ Johnson for this photo of a letter from Luis Buñuel in the Donoso papers at #Princeton#SALALM60 Jesus AlonsoRegalado jalonsoregalado
Lilia Moritz Schwartz gives the keynote: The Long Journey of the Portuguese Royal Library #salalm60#princeton Michael Scott irrationalratio
RT @tttkay: Schwarcz's talk on transfer of Portuguese royal lib to BR reminded me of this photo of BN I took in 2013 #salalm60… Bronwen K. Maxson soccerbrarian
RT @alisonhicks0: The long journey of the Portuguese Royal Library: keynote speech for #salalm60 Lilia Moritz Schwarcz Tracy North tnor27
RT @MeiMendez: Libraries as symbols of power & privilege. Learning abt history of the Portuguese royal library & its transfer to Brasil in … bibliotekah tttkay
"Libraries are symbols of freedom" - Lilia Moritz Schwarcz (But for whom, particularly in colonial context?) #salalm60 bibliotekah tttkay
Schwarcz's talk on transfer of Portuguese royal lib to BR reminded me of this photo of BN I took in 2013 #salalm60 Meiyolet Méndez MeiMendez
Libraries as symbols of power & privilege. Learning abt history of the Portuguese royal library & its transfer to Brasil in 19c #salalm60 Tim Thompson timathom
RT @tttkay:#salalm60 Congrats to @smschadl who won José Toribio Medina Award for "Cite Globally, Analyze Locally"! 10.5860/crl.76.2.136 bibliotekah tttkay
"Monarchies never travel light" - Lilia Moritz Schwarcz on The Long Journey of the Portuguese Royal Library #salalm60 Adan Griego infantisimo
RT @tttkay:#salalm60 Congrats to @smschadl who won José Toribio Medina Award for "Cite Globally, Analyze Locally"! 10.5860/crl.76.2.136 Adan Griego infantisimo
Lilian Moritz Schwarcz's lecture #salalm60 Tracy North tnor27
RT @tttkay:#salalm60 Congrats to @smschadl who won José Toribio Medina Award for "Cite Globally, Analyze Locally"! 10.5860/crl.76.2.136 Alison Hicks alisonhicks0
The long journey of the Portuguese Royal Library: keynote speech for #salalm60 Lilia Moritz Schwarcz Michael Scott irrationalratio
RT @tttkay:#salalm60 Congrats to @smschadl who won José Toribio Medina Award for "Cite Globally, Analyze Locally"! 10.5860/crl.76.2.136 Alison Hicks alisonhicks0
RT @tttkay:#salalm60 Congrats to @smschadl who won José Toribio Medina Award for "Cite Globally, Analyze Locally"! 10.5860/crl.76.2.136 bibliotekah tttkay
#salalm60 Congrats to @smschadl who won José Toribio Medina Award for "Cite Globally, Analyze Locally"! 10.5860/crl.76.2.136 Casalini Libri CasaliniLibri
Last library visit in Mexico. Next stop, #salalm60 in Princeton, NJ. See you there! Aquiles Brayner AquilesBrayner
SALALM61 will be held during the week because flowers come out at the weekend + lots of Jeffersonian memorabilia to see... #salalm60 Melissa Gasparotto m_gasparotto
Pre-tenured SALALMistas, save room and $$ for appetizers tonight at Triumph #SALALM60 Alison Hicks alisonhicks0
Executive Board at #salalm60 view from the peanut gallery... Adan Griego infantisimo
RT @alisonhicks0: Students searching in Google are engaging more in research than a student using a LibGuide. discuss. #salalm60 Adan Griego infantisimo
RT @alisonhicks0: A student who works their way through a LibGuide isn’t researching- they are regurgitating professor and academic convent… Adan Griego infantisimo
RT @alisonhicks0: Libguides do not facilitate critical thinking, evaluation, lifelong learning, or in fact, anything to do with information… Angela Pashia LibrarianAngie
Looking forward to enjoying the @salalm conference from afar! Please tweet away! #salalm60 Alison Hicks alisonhicks0
Libguides do not facilitate critical thinking, evaluation, lifelong learning, or in fact, anything to do with information literacy #salalm60 Alison Hicks alisonhicks0
A student who works their way through a LibGuide isn’t researching- they are regurgitating professor and academic conventions #salalm60 Alison Hicks alisonhicks0
Students searching in Google are engaging more in research than a student using a LibGuide. discuss. #salalm60 Alison Hicks alisonhicks0
#SALALM60 Research and Instruction Services committee meeting. Antonio Sotomayor regales us with Chai-Why Bronwen K. Maxson soccerbrarian
Question: What's your thesis?
Answer from @alisonhicks0: "LibGuides Suck"
#SALALM60 Alison Hicks alisonhicks0
International and area studied teaching and engagement discussion panel/series at Illinois > great attendance so far #salalm60 Molly Hansen mollyrosesmiles
Getting excited for #salalm60 --can't wait to meet everyone today! Stop by the Oxford table to say hi/hola/olá! Daisy V. Domínguez daisilla
RT @alisonhicks0: Collaboration, not lists. This may be my new mantra... I appreciate grassroots, but lists can’t be answer to silo-isation… Adan Griego infantisimo
Libraries moving away from hiring traditional bibliographers; same time are hiring subject specialists from outside the field #salalm60 Yoo Young Lee DUX_YooYoung
RT @soccerbrarian: We're talking budget cuts at the MOLLAS meeting at #SALALM60. I'm trying to imagine all the changes I'll see over a 30-3… Alison Hicks alisonhicks0
We can’t do teaching and learning unless we have language and content skills. COSIGN. #salalm60 Bronwen K. Maxson soccerbrarian
We're talking budget cuts at the MOLLAS meeting at #SALALM60. I'm trying to imagine all the changes I'll see over a 30-35 year career... SALALM salalm
Collaboration, not lists. This may be my new mantra... I appreciate grassroots, but lists can’t be answer to silo-isation! #salalm60 Alison Hicks alisonhicks0
#salalm60 final program posted! I have no idea how to choose between so many excellent concurrent sessions. Tim Thompson timathom