RT @daisilla: Ricarda Musser: Latin American Cultural Magazines (1860-1930): Acquisition and Digitization... #salalm61 https://t.co/gxqrYAx… Meiyolet Méndez MeiMendez
RT @daisilla: Michael Scott: Following an author can lead to book talk at your institution. Network using Twitter. #salalm61 Meiyolet Méndez MeiMendez
RT @daisilla: Ricarda Musser: Latin American Cultural Magazines (1860-1930): Acquisition and Digitization... #salalm61 https://t.co/gxqrYAx… Rhonda Neugebauer rhondaneu
#salalm61 final executive board meeting with membership in attendance. https://t.co/mYStKLQyMo David Woken DavidWoken
RT @daisilla: Michael Scott: Following an author can lead to book talk at your institution. Network using Twitter. #salalm61 Melissa Gasparotto m_gasparotto
RT @daisilla: Ricarda Musser: Latin American Cultural Magazines (1860-1930): Acquisition and Digitization... #salalm61 https://t.co/gxqrYAx… Daisy V. Domínguez daisilla
@UnivWestGa's Anne Barnhart: students learned compassion from being minority language speaker when traveling to México. #salalm61 Daisy V. Domínguez daisilla
Ricarda Musser: Latin American Cultural Magazines (1860-1930): Acquisition and Digitization... #salalm61 https://t.co/gxqrYAxffL Bronwen K. Maxson soccerbrarian
"Interdisciplinary might be most important characteristic of cultural magazines"-Ricarda Musser #salalm61#rodaviva https://t.co/L1vZAIgQv5 Tracy North tnor27
Betsaida Reyes from KU talks about digital repatriation of Guatemalan broadsides #salalm61#rodaviva https://t.co/slOEOop893 Bronwen K. Maxson soccerbrarian
@irrationalratio discusses how to use social media for collection development #salalm61#rodaviva https://t.co/ecoKoRvf4N Daisy V. Domínguez daisilla
Michael Scott: Following an author can lead to book talk at your institution. Network using Twitter. #salalm61 Bronwen K. Maxson soccerbrarian
@barnhart talks about taking students to the #FILGDL2015 at #salalm61 their needs and library users' needs https://t.co/KsZTZUPIbS Daisy V. Domínguez daisilla
Adeus, #salalm61! Você acabou comigo (no bom sentido)! Linda lindaceliaa
RT @imlaurie: Child/girl refugees from Central America often cross the US border pregnant because they are raped on their way to the border… REFORMA National reformanational
RT @imlaurie: Child/girl refugees from Central America often cross the US border pregnant because they are raped on their way to the border… Michael Scott irrationalratio
RT @m_gasparotto: Unanticipated result of digitizations of rare materials held by smaller Latin American institutions-raises profile, attra… alma ortega acortega
#salalm61 live music at librero's reception! Thank you, Miguel Valladares! https://t.co/B7MEAKztNP Bronwen K. Maxson soccerbrarian
Awesome dinner table mates at the libreros reception #salalm61 https://t.co/JQDhN5jtGJ Larissa Muirragui VLarissa_M
RT @rhondaneu:#SALALM61 So proud to be among colleagues supporting changes to offensive LCSH heading, here in Town Hall meeting #UVA Adan Griego infantisimo
RT @m_gasparotto: Lisa Cruces: Digital tools can help disseminate archival collections for commuter student population. Need to serve all s… Rhonda Neugebauer rhondaneu
RT @m_gasparotto: Anton du Plessis got NEH grant to develop quality OCR for early modern books in Primeros Libros collection #salalm61 Rhonda Neugebauer rhondaneu
RT @m_gasparotto: Unanticipated result of digitizations of rare materials held by smaller Latin American institutions-raises profile, attra… Rhonda Neugebauer rhondaneu
Oops forgot to add #salalm61! Incoming president @daisilla announcing conference theme for @salalm 2017! https://t.co/AdFafN1GVl Craig Arthur NicestLibrarian
RT @rhondaneu:#SALALM61 So proud to be among colleagues supporting changes to offensive LCSH heading, here in Town Hall meeting #UVA Tim Thompson timathom
#SALALM61 So proud to be among colleagues supporting changes to offensive LCSH heading, here in Town Hall meeting #UVA Adan Griego infantisimo
RT @m_gasparotto: Unanticipated result of digitizations of rare materials held by smaller Latin American institutions-raises profile, attra… Melissa Gasparotto m_gasparotto
Unanticipated result of digitizations of rare materials held by smaller Latin American institutions-raises profile, attracts theft #salalm61 Adan Griego infantisimo
RT @m_gasparotto: Lisa Cruces: Digital tools can help disseminate archival collections for commuter student population. Need to serve all s… Bronwen K. Maxson soccerbrarian
@jalonsoregalado nos habla del #accesoabierto de cine como manera de democratización en Chile #salalm61 https://t.co/Ux3490dwgu Adan Griego infantisimo
du Plessis: many partner libraries in Primeros Libros project don't contribute to WorldCat. The digital collection exposes content #salalm61 Melissa Gasparotto m_gasparotto
RT @m_gasparotto: L. Cruces-showing potential donors digital exhibitions as a draw to solicit collections. Donors want to know material wil… Adan Griego infantisimo
RT @m_gasparotto: Lisa Cruces: Digital tools can help disseminate archival collections for commuter student population. Need to serve all s… Melissa Gasparotto m_gasparotto
L. Cruces-showing potential donors digital exhibitions as a draw to solicit collections. Donors want to know material will be seen #salalm61 Meiyolet Méndez MeiMendez
RT @m_gasparotto: Lisa Cruces: Digital tools can help disseminate archival collections for commuter student population. Need to serve all s… Melissa Gasparotto m_gasparotto
Lisa Cruces: Digital tools can help disseminate archival collections for commuter student population. Need to serve all students. #salalm61 Melissa Gasparotto m_gasparotto
La privatización del conocimiento genera exclusión y por lo tanto injusticia #salalm61 https://t.co/nAeZMluRr7 Adan Griego infantisimo
#salalm61. Vendor's corner-exhibit hall: informal/useful way to talk abt products/trends during coffee break when most attendees present. Casalini Libri CasaliniLibri
Starting in 15 minutes, more about how Casalini Libri can help with sourcing, selection and supply!
#salalm61 https://t.co/AOobAUwD6e Bronwen K. Maxson soccerbrarian
RT @CasaliniLibri: Hear more about sourcing, selecting and services for Spanish and Portuguese books this morning at 10.45 #salalm61 https:… JENNY LIZARRAGA JENECITA21
Reading a good book and drinking tea never gets old. Going back home after my participation #salalm61 https://t.co/laZ5wstTgn Casalini Libri CasaliniLibri
Hear more about sourcing, selecting and services for Spanish and Portuguese books this morning at 10.45 #salalm61 https://t.co/D7Z791LSyQ Dominique Babini dominiquebabini
RT @aboutness: In the office working on presentations for #salalm61, trying to finish so I can get up north for Mother's Day & back to fly… Rhonda Neugebauer rhondaneu
RT @m_gasparotto: Congratulations to Sarah Buck Kachaluba, winner of the Medina Award for her critical edition and new translation of Eugen… Rhonda Neugebauer rhondaneu
RT @m_gasparotto: Charles Hale gives #salalm61 keynote, "Finding the 'sweet spot' of collaborations between collections and scholarship/tea… Rhonda Neugebauer rhondaneu
RT @soccerbrarian: Charles Hale discusses principles of post-custodial digital archiving, open access, and social justice with an ethic of… Rhonda Neugebauer rhondaneu
RT @alisonhicks0: Majority of tools for digital scholarship developed in north and adapted in south- diff incentive structures and conditio… Rhonda Neugebauer rhondaneu
RT @soccerbrarian: Kramer, Bianca; Bosman, Jeroen (2015): 101 innovations in Scholarly communication – the changing research workflow. @jua… Rhonda Neugebauer rhondaneu
RT @sarahbuck71: Southern epistomology = creating metodologies & tools appropriate to local context (instead of south adopting from north)… Rhonda Neugebauer rhondaneu
RT @timathom: What's the dominant narrative of Open Access? Sciency, push-back against journal price gouging, focus on supply-side of publi… Rhonda Neugebauer rhondaneu
RT @alisonhicks0: Yes! Academic literacies (writing, information) not neutral- different values, intricacies in diff ling,nat'l, discipl co… Rhonda Neugebauer rhondaneu
RT @m_gasparotto: Major sources of funding come from the US govt, perhaps forcing internatl researchers here to "colonize their thinking" f… Rhonda Neugebauer rhondaneu
RT @josoriok: Allison Hicks righteously calling out tensions btw digital scholarship and entrenched systems of recognition, identity and to… Rhonda Neugebauer rhondaneu
RT @imlaurie:#salalm61 Today at 5 giving talk abt our (@kellymce) short-term librarian-led study abroad to Barcelona "Info and global soci… Rhonda Neugebauer rhondaneu
RT @imlaurie: Child/girl refugees from Central America often cross the US border pregnant because they are raped on their way to the border… Rhonda Neugebauer rhondaneu
What a great panel on Intercambiando with Cuba, Ecuador and Spain at the University of Virginia. https://t.co/WdsBy7w339 Adan Griego infantisimo
RT @imlaurie: Child/girl refugees from Central America often cross the US border pregnant because they are raped on their way to the border… Tracy North tnor27
@imlaurie talks about the process and planning that went into a librarian - led study abroad trip #salalm61 https://t.co/1z84PsBBvW Luis A. González DrLuisG_IU
RT @timathom: No neutral ground, not even in cataloging! Respect for all users, a core value, is already a political stance. @aboutness#sa… Luis A. González DrLuisG_IU
Silvia Cho, CUNY: #oa and scholarly communication in Cuba is reminiscent of what we do in the US #salalm61 https://t.co/xlMNEspqwo Tim Thompson timathom
Sarah Aponte and Silvia Cho discuss CUNY librarians and archivists in Cuba. There are still card catalogs #salalm61 https://t.co/yMLoxGg3Ma Daisy V. Domínguez daisilla
RT @imlaurie: Child/girl refugees from Central America often cross the US border pregnant because they are raped on their way to the border… Antje Theise AntjeTheise
RT @imlaurie: Honduras, El Salvador, Guatemala in the top 5 murder rates in the world -- this is the reason for child refugees. #salalm61 Marta Aliberch martaliberch
@imlaurie Jejeje, thanks for your mention. I'm proud to be part of your presentation at #salalm61 Antje Theise AntjeTheise
RT @imlaurie: Child/girl refugees from Central America often cross the US border pregnant because they are raped on their way to the border… Laurie Bridges imlaurie
IBBY and REFORMA send librarians and books to the shelters. Every book has this message. @JENECITA21#salalm61 https://t.co/VrRgvDOPse Laurie Bridges imlaurie
Honduras, El Salvador, Guatemala in the top 5 murder rates in the world -- this is the reason for child refugees. #salalm61 Adam Mizelle adammizelle
RT @imlaurie: 18% of child refugees from Guatemala speak only Mayan and are unable to communicate with anyone when they get here. #salalm61 Adam Mizelle adammizelle
RT @imlaurie: Child/girl refugees from Central America often cross the US border pregnant because they are raped on their way to the border… Laurie Bridges imlaurie
18% of child refugees from Guatemala speak only Mayan and are unable to communicate with anyone when they get here. #salalm61 Tina aboutness
RT @timathom: No neutral ground, not even in cataloging! Respect for all users, a core value, is already a political stance. @aboutness#sa… Laurie Bridges imlaurie
Child/girl refugees from Central America often cross the US border pregnant because they are raped on their way to the border. #salalm61 Daisy V. Domínguez daisilla
RT @imlaurie:#salalm61 Today at 5 giving talk abt our (@kellymce) short-term librarian-led study abroad to Barcelona "Info and global soci… Melissa Gasparotto m_gasparotto
Gustavo Navarro (ENLACE recipient) presenting on the Archivo Memorias de la Patagonia Austral #salalm61#enlace https://t.co/N9Y2O8wtro Adan Griego infantisimo
RT @timathom: No neutral ground, not even in cataloging! Respect for all users, a core value, is already a political stance. @aboutness#sa… Kelly McElroy kellymce
RT @imlaurie:#salalm61 Today at 5 giving talk abt our (@kellymce) short-term librarian-led study abroad to Barcelona "Info and global soci… Samantha Hines shines
RT @timathom: No neutral ground, not even in cataloging! Respect for all users, a core value, is already a political stance. @aboutness#sa… Cassie Schmitt cassieschmitt
RT @timathom: No neutral ground, not even in cataloging! Respect for all users, a core value, is already a political stance. @aboutness#sa… Laurie Bridges imlaurie
#salalm61 Today at 5 giving talk abt our (@kellymce) short-term librarian-led study abroad to Barcelona "Info and global social justice" Laurie Bridges imlaurie
RT @timathom: No neutral ground, not even in cataloging! Respect for all users, a core value, is already a political stance. @aboutness#sa… C. E. tn_archivist
RT @timathom: No neutral ground, not even in cataloging! Respect for all users, a core value, is already a political stance. @aboutness#sa… Alison Hicks alisonhicks0
RT @soccerbrarian: "We need to think about changes in scholarly practices, tensions on campus, and the people" -@alisonhicks0 #salalm61 Bronwen K. Maxson soccerbrarian
RT @josoriok: New motto for librarians? Follow the algorithm! Know where/who/why your data comes from. #salalm61 Bronwen K. Maxson soccerbrarian
"We're not looking in the right places to learn about #dh work, it's not published in library journals" - @m_gasparotto#salalm61 Alison Hicks alisonhicks0
New motto for librarians? Follow the algorithm! Know where/who/why your data comes from. #salalm61 Ruth Kitchin Tillman ruthbrarian
RT @timathom: No neutral ground, not even in cataloging! Respect for all users, a core value, is already a political stance. @aboutness#sa… Bronwen K. Maxson soccerbrarian
"We need to think about changes in scholarly practices, tensions on campus, and the people" -@alisonhicks0 #salalm61 Tim Thompson timathom
No neutral ground, not even in cataloging! Respect for all users, a core value, is already a political stance. @aboutness#salalm61 Alison Hicks alisonhicks0
@alisonhicks0 Digital Scholarship as Researcher Practices: The Example of Mendeley #salalm61 https://t.co/MDsfHvNgnd Jennifer Osorio josoriok
Allison Hicks righteously calling out tensions btw digital scholarship and entrenched systems of recognition, identity and tools #salalm61 Daisy V. Domínguez daisilla
Marisol Ramos talks about visualizing women's magazine production from 19th and 20th century Spain #salalm61 https://t.co/lz9wp2sIub Tim Thompson timathom
RT @infantisimo:#salalm61. Panel on "Docu-menting bibliographic bias in subject headings...." Time to drop the "i" word! Columbia CHRDR HRDocumentation
#salalm61. Panel on "Docu-menting bibliographic bias in subject headings...." Time to drop the "i" word! Bronwen K. Maxson soccerbrarian
@elotroalex In Latin America, #dh has been done on faculty and researcher side. We need librarian voices to keep DH sane #salalm61 Bronwen K. Maxson soccerbrarian
RT @timathom: Digital humanities: funky labor structures and vulgar Marxist ethos (reclaiming means of digital scholarly production) @elotr… Bronwen K. Maxson soccerbrarian
@elotroalex: Shorter defn of #dh: DH is the rebel base on the planet Hoth and PQuest is the Empire #salalm61 Tim Thompson timathom
Digital humanities: funky labor structures and vulgar Marxist ethos (reclaiming means of digital scholarly production) @elotroalex#salalm61 Bronwen K. Maxson soccerbrarian
@elotroalex: Labor structure and social structures in #dh is what sets digital humanists apart from vendors #salalm61 Jennifer Osorio josoriok
Alex Gil talkkng about digital humanities as the blending of Gutenberg and Turing #salalm61 Bronwen K. Maxson soccerbrarian
@elotroalex Defining #dh for #salalm61 describes Venn diagram: analysis of corpora, new representations of knowledge, advocacy JENNY LIZARRAGA JENECITA21
Tomorrow I give a short presentation at #salalm61. I have 15 minutes for a talk that could easily last 3 hours. This will be interesting. 😜🤓 Margaret Spires mkspires
RT @imlaurie: Libraries should defend diversity of languages, not opposing or destroying it. #salalm61 for Content for_Content
RT @VLarissa_M: La vida es un aprendizaje diario, el #openaccess es parte del desarrollo de las sociedades a través de sus entornos bibliot… Larissa Muirragui VLarissa_M
La vida es un aprendizaje diario, el #openaccess es parte del desarrollo de las sociedades a través de sus entornos bibliotecarios #salalm61 Larissa Muirragui VLarissa_M
RT @cYaan89: Se reconocen diferencias y problemas que son recurrentes en la formación y labor bibliotecaria #salalm61 Larissa Muirragui VLarissa_M
RT @daisilla: Alberto Vargas Prieto: "It's midnight. Do you know where your librarian is?" (Take care of your) Librarians in the Anthropoce… Alison Hicks alisonhicks0
RT @alisonhicks0: What northern librarians want to collect might not be the same as what is valued by Southern librarians, and vice versa #… Bronwen K. Maxson soccerbrarian
RT @alisonhicks0: What northern librarians want to collect might not be the same as what is valued by Southern librarians, and vice versa #… Alison Hicks alisonhicks0
What northern librarians want to collect might not be the same as what is valued by Southern librarians, and vice versa #salalm61 Bronwen K. Maxson soccerbrarian
Q: Hard to find academic presses that translate Chilean works A: Problem is lack of motivation There are translators and resources #salalm61 Bronwen K. Maxson soccerbrarian
Michelet spoke about need for respectful mentoring for young professionals, not paternalistic model, mentioned UVA's open grounds #salalm61 kat rusalkat
UVA rep. currently discussing library infrastructure at @UVaLibrary for undergrad & grad access to latin american materials #salalm61 kat rusalkat
haha of course quoting thomas jefferson, "this institution will be based on the illimitable freedom of the human mind..." #salalm61 Bronwen K. Maxson soccerbrarian
UVa grad student: Thomas Jefferson no ha muerto. Sigue caminando por los “grounds” (not “campus”) #ghosts#fantasmas#salalm61 Adan Griego infantisimo
Marisol Vera speaks about the transition to democracy in Chile and the need to re-create society & all the culture that was lost #salalm61 Bronwen K. Maxson soccerbrarian
Marisol Vera: En Chile, no sólo nos mataron, sino el aparato de la dictadura mató a las instituciones #salalm61 kat rusalkat
(2/2) protection, promotion, & acccessibility of Chilean cultural heritage artifacts #salalm61 kat rusalkat
this requires shift in funding priorities: look to unexpected sources for funding, such as DoD and dept. of health #salalm61 kat rusalkat
IRIS also created to share project on "indigineity" from N. america to SE asia, which requires cross-disciplinary effort & funding #salalm61 kat rusalkat
UW-Madison IRIS created to coordinate, not replace, area studies programs and efforts #salalm61 Adan Griego infantisimo
RT @rusalkat: idea of "archival silences" resulting from gaps in library collections from this lack of funding -- how to prevent this? #sal… Adan Griego infantisimo
RT @soccerbrarian: Ellen Sapega: State funding is a pendulum that has fallen to floor - No one there to pick it up. Crisis is primarily fin… Bronwen K. Maxson soccerbrarian
Ellen Sapega: State funding is a pendulum that has fallen to floor - No one there to pick it up. Crisis is primarily financial #salalm61 kat rusalkat
idea of "archival silences" resulting from gaps in library collections from this lack of funding -- how to prevent this? #salalm61 Bronwen K. Maxson soccerbrarian
RT @rusalkat: thesis: literacy should be paired with efforts to help communities learn how to preserve their oral and literary histories #s… Adan Griego infantisimo
RT @alisonhicks0: Administrators may not recognise and academic detachment is hard in emotional post custodial archival situations #salalm61 Alison Hicks alisonhicks0
Cuba is so "shiny" right now- affects purse strings #salalm61 Alison Hicks alisonhicks0
Administrators may not recognise and academic detachment is hard in emotional post custodial archival situations #salalm61 kat rusalkat
and, worry abt. ideologies behind choices of works for digitization (not representative of all voices) #salalm61 Bronwen K. Maxson soccerbrarian
RT @palomiuix2011: Comments for roundtable series are trickling in. Keep them coming! #salalm61 https://t.co/Sn7beTzWKg kat rusalkat
new gov't initiative to allow Yanomami to alter erroneous gov't-issued ID is huge b/c it gives them agency & official recognition #salalm61 Laurie Bridges imlaurie
RT @rusalkat: "as you can see, i destroy books." Barbata on her work w/ the Yanomami Owë Mamotima project in the Amazon - ! #salalm61 Alison Hicks alisonhicks0
Laura Anderson Barbata's presentation is reminding me of Doris Sommer's awesome Cordero literacy work #salalm61 Laurie Bridges imlaurie
Speaker just mentioned "decolonizing libraries". Book? Article? I want to read... #salalm61 kat rusalkat
thesis: literacy should be paired with efforts to help communities learn how to preserve their oral and literary histories #salalm61 kat rusalkat
"as you can see, i destroy books." Barbata on her work w/ the Yanomami Owë Mamotima project in the Amazon - ! #salalm61 Daisy V. Domínguez daisilla
RT @m_gasparotto: Solange Santos: Open access guarantees Latin American participation in global information flows. #salalm61 kat rusalkat
Next #salalm61 theme is #advocacy. This round table will raise awareness of opportunities and challenges. Remember: livestream w/chat. palomiuix2012 palomiuix2011
Comments for roundtable series are trickling in. Keep them coming! #salalm61 https://t.co/Sn7beTzWKg Laurie Bridges imlaurie
RT @soccerbrarian: Thomas F. Reese: "Physical objects can trigger sensory memory experiences." “Libraries are first and foremost collectio… kat rusalkat
roundtable 2 concluded; roundtable 3 ("advocacy") beginning at 1pm EDT. i feel like my coffee re-fill should just be outside, too #salalm61 Melissa Gasparotto m_gasparotto
Solange Santos: Open access guarantees Latin American participation in global information flows. #salalm61 kat rusalkat
#salalm61 can someone tell me what Sra. Santos is saying in response to my Q? (and Sra. Villa, too...) Claudia C cYaan89
La clave: trabajo colaborativo e interdisciplinario. Sí, es obvio, pero... se pone en práctica? #salalm61 Daisy V. Domínguez daisilla
RT @juancommander: I've been v. impressed by the questions raised by UW and UVA students. Every conf should be sure to include student pers… Claudia C cYaan89
Se reconocen diferencias y problemas que son recurrentes en la formación y labor bibliotecaria #salalm61 Margaret Spires mkspires
RT @imlaurie: How do you re-establish library physical space as core to research in the university? #salalm61 Adan Griego infantisimo
RT @juancommander: I've been v. impressed by the questions raised by UW and UVA students. Every conf should be sure to include student pers… Adan Griego infantisimo
RT @soccerbrarian: Reese warning: If info moves to cloud, we don’t need books, we don’t need a library. But then who controls/owns the info… Adan Griego infantisimo
RT @imlaurie: How do you re-establish library physical space as core to research in the university? #salalm61 kat rusalkat
going back to original Q, an A: is that ephemera/trails of collections are lost when physical is migrated to the cloud #salalm61 Laurie Bridges imlaurie
RT @juancommander: I've been v. impressed by the questions raised by UW and UVA students. Every conf should be sure to include student pers… Laurie Bridges imlaurie
How do you re-establish library physical space as core to research in the university? #salalm61 Elvia Arroyo-Ramirez elvia_arroyo
Reese warning: If info moves to cloud, we don’t need books, we don’t need a library. But then who controls/owns the info? #salalm61 Sarah Buck Kachaluba sarahbuck71
RT @juancommander: I've been v. impressed by the questions raised by UW and UVA students. Every conf should be sure to include student pers… Melissa Gasparotto m_gasparotto
RT @juancommander: I've been v. impressed by the questions raised by UW and UVA students. Every conf should be sure to include student pers… Bronwen K. Maxson soccerbrarian
Interoperability of library catalogs and systems continues to be called for to increase global studies and knowledge #salalm61 Laurie Bridges imlaurie
RT @rusalkat: ok, *now* time for questions and comments! how do we collaborate across north-south when "our" focus is rooted in the north?… Juan Pablo Alperin juancommander
I've been v. impressed by the questions raised by UW and UVA students. Every conf should be sure to include student perspective. #salalm61 Bronwen K. Maxson soccerbrarian
My two terms of Spanish this year are not enough for this conference. I maybe understand 10%. 😝 #salalm61#itsgoodforme kat rusalkat
(which is exactly what the nascent Global Initiatives Group at UVA library is working on as we speak...) #salalm61 Melissa Gasparotto m_gasparotto
RT @alisonhicks0: Yes! Academic literacies (writing, information) not neutral- different values, intricacies in diff ling,nat'l, discipl co… kat rusalkat
ok, *now* time for questions and comments! how do we collaborate across north-south when "our" focus is rooted in the north? #salalm61 Juan Pablo Alperin juancommander
RT @m_gasparotto: Major sources of funding come from the US govt, perhaps forcing internatl researchers here to "colonize their thinking" f… Daisy V. Domínguez daisilla
RT @m_gasparotto: Major sources of funding come from the US govt, perhaps forcing internatl researchers here to "colonize their thinking" f… Adan Griego infantisimo
RT @rusalkat: idea of "libros vivos" -- interactive texts from grupo editorial del caribe; allow for deeper reading of texts w/ smartphones… Melissa Gasparotto m_gasparotto
How do we strategically reorient our thinking about funding of research to facilitate north-south dialog? #salalm61 Adan Griego infantisimo
RT @imlaurie: What is rigor? How does it exclude others? Non-native English speakers that must publish in English? #salalm61 Adan Griego infantisimo
RT @m_gasparotto: Major sources of funding come from the US govt, perhaps forcing internatl researchers here to "colonize their thinking" f… Melissa Gasparotto m_gasparotto
Major sources of funding come from the US govt, perhaps forcing internatl researchers here to "colonize their thinking" for funds #salalm61 kat rusalkat
on problematic funding: idea of proposing several smaller collaborative projects rather than relying on one larger grant #salalm61 Alison Hicks alisonhicks0
Those rocking chairs in the student videos look awesome #salalm61 kat rusalkat
... further its own goals? interesting relation to Prieto's "why" of pope francis's call for more moral & ethical (academic) work #salalm61 Bronwen K. Maxson soccerbrarian
RT @alisonhicks0: Yes! Academic literacies (writing, information) not neutral- different values, intricacies in diff ling,nat'l, discipl co… Alison Hicks alisonhicks0
How do we bridge academic and applied notions of rigour #salalm61 Alison Hicks alisonhicks0
Yes! Academic literacies (writing, information) not neutral- different values, intricacies in diff ling,nat'l, discipl contexts #salalm61 kat rusalkat
idea of rigor can change w/r/t audience, too; peer review audience different from general reading audience #salalm61 Melissa Gasparotto m_gasparotto
RT @imlaurie: What is rigor? How does it exclude others? Non-native English speakers that must publish in English? #salalm61 Laurie Bridges imlaurie
What is rigor? How does it exclude others? Non-native English speakers that must publish in English? #salalm61 Bronwen K. Maxson soccerbrarian
UW grad students: Who determines rigor in research? It comes down to what research/work is marketable. Who defines rigor? #salalm61 Melissa Gasparotto m_gasparotto
RT @alisonhicks0: Loving how these round tables are helping put librarianship in context- part of a larger whole, not just inward looking #… kat rusalkat
previously-taped conversations on ways that grad. students approached discussion of rigor -- who decides what "rigor" is? #salalm61 kat rusalkat
UW-Madison spanish/portuguese graduate students on need to "fill gap" of rigorous academic research while working abroad #salalm61 Bronwen K. Maxson soccerbrarian
Definition of academic rigor determined by project funders-frustrating for those integrating new ways of knowing-UW grad student #salalm61 Alison Hicks alisonhicks0
Need for marketability in academic studies #salalm61 tied in with amorphous nature of "rigour" Alison Hicks alisonhicks0
In the Andes, they may call knowledge something different > so much yes! #salalm61 kat rusalkat
roundtable 2 now taking questions from the audience, both real & virtual #salalm61 JENNY LIZARRAGA JENECITA21
RT @rusalkat: ...was intent to form common hemispheric bond, or extend the hegemony further south? this question remains unanswered! #salal… Laurie Bridges imlaurie
RT @alisonhicks0: Loving how these round tables are helping put librarianship in context- part of a larger whole, not just inward looking #… Bronwen K. Maxson soccerbrarian
RT @rusalkat: now the "what" of designing for the future: not just books, but audio, films, and Internet resources that talk to each other… Bronwen K. Maxson soccerbrarian
RT @rusalkat: we know the "how", but "why?" cites pope francis's calling us to assume new moral & ethical stances as our work proceeds #sal… Daisy V. Domínguez daisilla
RT @rusalkat: idea of "libros vivos" -- interactive texts from grupo editorial del caribe; allow for deeper reading of texts w/ smartphones… Laurie Bridges imlaurie
RT @rusalkat: we know the "how", but "why?" cites pope francis's calling us to assume new moral & ethical stances as our work proceeds #sal… Melissa Gasparotto m_gasparotto
idea of "libros vivos" -- interactive texts from grupo editorial del caribe; allow for deeper reading of texts w/ smartphones #salalm61 Laurie Bridges imlaurie
@suricatem you should come to this conference as a speaker next year! #salalm61 Alison Hicks alisonhicks0
Loving how these round tables are helping put librarianship in context- part of a larger whole, not just inward looking #salalm61 Claudia C cYaan89
RT @daisilla: Alberto Vargas Prieto: "It's midnight. Do you know where your librarian is?" (Take care of your) Librarians in the Anthropoce… kat rusalkat
we know the "how", but "why?" cites pope francis's calling us to assume new moral & ethical stances as our work proceeds #salalm61 Bronwen K. Maxson soccerbrarian
RT @daisilla: Alberto Vargas Prieto: "It's midnight. Do you know where your librarian is?" (Take care of your) Librarians in the Anthropoce… Sarah Buck Kachaluba sarahbuck71
RT @m_gasparotto: "Cambiará mañana" Solange Santos on the environment for scholarly communication and how we prepare information profession… kat rusalkat
as well as less commonly taught languages and the materials coming from those areas -- this is the realm of librarians too! #salalm61 kat rusalkat
now the "what" of designing for the future: not just books, but audio, films, and Internet resources that talk to each other #salalm61 Adan Griego infantisimo
RT @daisilla: Alberto Vargas Prieto: "It's midnight. Do you know where your librarian is?" (Take care of your) Librarians in the Anthropoce… Sarah Buck Kachaluba sarahbuck71
RT @soccerbrarian: Thomas F. Reese: "Physical objects can trigger sensory memory experiences." “Libraries are first and foremost collectio… Sarah Buck Kachaluba sarahbuck71
RT @timathom: Thomas Reese reminds us that classification precedes (and shapes) collection development. Selectors should talk to catalogers… Melissa Gasparotto m_gasparotto
RT @daisilla: Alberto Vargas Prieto: "It's midnight. Do you know where your librarian is?" (Take care of your) Librarians in the Anthropoce… Bronwen K. Maxson soccerbrarian
RT @m_gasparotto: "Cambiará mañana" Solange Santos on the environment for scholarly communication and how we prepare information profession… Daisy V. Domínguez daisilla
RT @m_gasparotto: "Cambiará mañana" Solange Santos on the environment for scholarly communication and how we prepare information profession… Daisy V. Domínguez daisilla
Alberto Vargas Prieto: "It's midnight. Do you know where your librarian is?" (Take care of your) Librarians in the Anthropocene. #salalm61 Alison Hicks alisonhicks0
"Cambiará mañana" Solange Santos on the environment for scholarly communication and how we prepare information professionals. #salalm61 Adan Griego infantisimo
RT @cYaan89: Desprenderse de una formación tradicional para lograr un perfil flexible acorde a las nuevas necesidades #salalm61 Claudia C cYaan89
Desprenderse de una formación tradicional para lograr un perfil flexible acorde a las nuevas necesidades #salalm61 Alison Hicks alisonhicks0
RT @soccerbrarian: Solange M. Santos: "How are we going to encourage self/lifelong learning if we (library schools) don’t know how people l… Daisy V. Domínguez daisilla
RT @soccerbrarian: Solange M. Santos: "How are we going to encourage self/lifelong learning if we (library schools) don’t know how people l… Bronwen K. Maxson soccerbrarian
Solange M. Santos: "How are we going to encourage self/lifelong learning if we (library schools) don’t know how people learn?" #salalm61 Sean Knowlton seanknowlton
Solange Santos habla sobre la importancia de la alfabetización informacional en la enseñanza en Brasil #salalm61 kat rusalkat
rapid-fire spanish + end of my coffee = send translating and caffeinating help, please :) #salalm61 Bronwen K. Maxson soccerbrarian
Solange M. Santos: "SciELO conecta el flujo regional con el flujo global de los recursos." #salalm61 Daisy V. Domínguez daisilla
RT @timathom: Thomas Reese reminds us that classification precedes (and shapes) collection development. Selectors should talk to catalogers… Adan Griego infantisimo
RT @soccerbrarian: Thomas F. Reese: "Physical objects can trigger sensory memory experiences." “Libraries are first and foremost collectio… CLASP CLASPprograms
RT @timathom: Thomas Reese reminds us that classification precedes (and shapes) collection development. Selectors should talk to catalogers… Tulane SCLAS TUsclas
RT @timathom: Thomas Reese reminds us that classification precedes (and shapes) collection development. Selectors should talk to catalogers… kat rusalkat
next: Solange Santos & Abel Packer, pub. coordinator & director, resp., of SciELO/FAPESP #salalm61 CLASP CLASPprograms
...was intent to form common hemispheric bond, or extend the hegemony further south? this question remains unanswered! #salalm61 Meiyolet Méndez MeiMendez
RT @timathom: Thomas Reese reminds us that classification precedes (and shapes) collection development. Selectors should talk to catalogers… Tim Thompson timathom
Thomas Reese reminds us that classification precedes (and shapes) collection development. Selectors should talk to catalogers! #salalm61 Bronwen K. Maxson soccerbrarian
RT @rusalkat: collections are meant to extend our taxonomies of knowledge; each collection gives a library its personality #salalm61 Alison Hicks alisonhicks0
RT @soccerbrarian: Thomas F. Reese: "Physical objects can trigger sensory memory experiences." “Libraries are first and foremost collectio… Tulane SCLAS TUsclas
collections are meant to extend our taxonomies of knowledge; each collection gives a library its personality #salalm61 Bronwen K. Maxson soccerbrarian
Thomas F. Reese: "Physical objects can trigger sensory memory experiences." “Libraries are first and foremost collections.” #salalm61 Sean Knowlton seanknowlton
Thomas Reese speaking now at #salalm61 on designing for the future and Latin American studies. Live streaming @TUsclas Bronwen K. Maxson soccerbrarian
RT @daisilla: The loot at the Enlace Raffle table so far! You gotta be in it to win it! Support Enlace! #salalm61 https://t.co/FthBq3CrxO Tim Thompson timathom
RT @daisilla: The loot at the Enlace Raffle table so far! You gotta be in it to win it! Support Enlace! #salalm61 https://t.co/FthBq3CrxO Daisy V. Domínguez daisilla
The loot at the Enlace Raffle table so far! You gotta be in it to win it! Support Enlace! #salalm61 https://t.co/FthBq3CrxO Luis A. González DrLuisG_IU
RT @timathom: "Developed in the North, adopted in the South"--tools are developed in diff. material/linguistic contexts. How to break the c… Luis A. González DrLuisG_IU
RT @timathom: The discussion of technology transfer intersects with global/area studies debate too. Local contexts vs. international trends… Luis A. González DrLuisG_IU
RT @timathom: Addressing the tension: epistemological approach, adopts Northern tech to Latin American realities. Sounds like antropofagia!… Luis A. González DrLuisG_IU
RT @timathom: La tecnología puede romper fronteras con violencia para crear imágenes ideológicas del Sur ("¿Cómo se pensó Costa Rica?"). #s… Luis A. González DrLuisG_IU
RT @timathom: What's the dominant narrative of Open Access? Sciency, push-back against journal price gouging, focus on supply-side of publi… Luis A. González DrLuisG_IU
RT @timathom: Complementary OA narrative: more about ethos. Capturing, tracking, preserving born-digital scholarship. Participatory steward… Luis A. González DrLuisG_IU
Why can I get legit pupusas in Virginia but not NJ? I will be camped out at Mi Canton for the rest of #salalm61 https://t.co/G0HNy7Tk5A Sarah Buck Kachaluba sarahbuck71
@daisilla @sarahbuck71 interesting dichotomy re: caution to grad studs. against unpaid labor. LAS work x amor al arte? #salalm61 Melissa Gasparotto m_gasparotto
Barb Tennenbaum HLAS is great example of Latin Americanists commitment to LAS-willingness to do great work with low compensation #salalm61 Daisy V. Domínguez daisilla
Hope all the talk about language divide bodes well for my translation proposals. #salalm61 Sarah Buck Kachaluba sarahbuck71
RT @daisilla:@sarahbuck71 Similar idea by Owensby Latin American Studies special in part bc so many putting so much w/o recompense necessa… Daisy V. Domínguez daisilla
@sarahbuck71 Similar idea by Owensby Latin American Studies special in part bc so many putting so much w/o recompense necessarily. #salalm61 Melissa Gasparotto m_gasparotto
Latinamericanists are extremely collaborative- but we also need to acknowledge this labour #salalm61 Jennifer Osorio josoriok
"Need to make the model of Latin American research a model that the North values" @juancommander#salalm61 Sofia s_papastamkou
RT @timathom: "Developed in the North, adopted in the South"--tools are developed in diff. material/linguistic contexts. How to break the c… Alison Hicks alisonhicks0
RT @alisonhicks0: YES- questions of language finally come up - problems of English and publishing and globalisation #salalm61 Alison Hicks alisonhicks0
YES- questions of language finally come up - problems of English and publishing and globalisation #salalm61 Melissa Gasparotto m_gasparotto
RT @alisonhicks0: Majority of tools for digital scholarship developed in north and adapted in south- diff incentive structures and conditio… Melissa Gasparotto m_gasparotto
RT @timathom: Complementary OA narrative: more about ethos. Capturing, tracking, preserving born-digital scholarship. Participatory steward… Alison Hicks alisonhicks0
Not often that grad students have a chance to share perspectives about future of Latin American Studies > or any studies imho :( #salalm61 Tim Thompson timathom
Rather than a discipline, Latin American Studies is a commitment #salalm61 Bronwen K. Maxson soccerbrarian
Brian Owensby: We don’t have to see The Global as a threat, we can act in regard to it in positive ways #LatinAmerica#salalm61 Alison Hicks alisonhicks0
RT @timathom: Complementary OA narrative: more about ethos. Capturing, tracking, preserving born-digital scholarship. Participatory steward… for Content for_Content
RT @soccerbrarian: Pamela Graham: Invisibility of resources in the dominant research tools was part of impetus for #openaccess movement in… Alison Hicks alisonhicks0
Does knowledge really emerge? Or is it constructed, contested, battled over, forgotten, rewritten? #salalm61 Sarah Buck Kachaluba sarahbuck71
2004 coverage of Mexican publications in Humanities and Social Science databases #salalm61 Pamela Graham https://t.co/8r0vr4ua5d Alison Hicks alisonhicks0
Does the focus on open access move awareness from other ways of knowing? Oral, indigenous, embodied? #salalm61 Tim Thompson timathom
Complementary OA narrative: more about ethos. Capturing, tracking, preserving born-digital scholarship. Participatory stewardship. #salalm61 Jennifer Osorio josoriok
"Decision to share your work broadly is a political act" -- Pamela Graham #salalm61 Alison Hicks alisonhicks0
RT @timathom: What's the dominant narrative of Open Access? Sciency, push-back against journal price gouging, focus on supply-side of publi… Tim Thompson timathom
What's the dominant narrative of Open Access? Sciency, push-back against journal price gouging, focus on supply-side of publishing #salalm61 Sarah Buck Kachaluba sarahbuck71
Pamela Graham: Invisibility of resources in the dominant research tools was part of impetus for #openaccess movement in Latin Amer #salalm61 Alison Hicks alisonhicks0
Lots of talk about revolutionary scholarly changes - but how do we maintain librarian ethics and values? #salalm61 Daisy V. Domínguez daisilla
La tecnología puede romper fronteras con violencia para crear imágenes ideológicas del Sur ("¿Cómo se pensó Costa Rica?"). #salalm61 Juan Pablo Alperin juancommander
Estudios de América Latina, definición mexicana: Unión de disciplinas en las cuales está ligación de intereses económicos de EEUU #salalm61 Sarah Buck Kachaluba sarahbuck71
@juancommander Field (Theory) Orientation Approach emanating from Latin America where North respects Southern innovations #salalm61 2/2 Sarah Buck Kachaluba sarahbuck71
@juancommander North South Collaborations with Southern Epistemology adapting Northern work to Latin American context or #salalm61 1/2 Bronwen K. Maxson soccerbrarian
As strategic actors we can benefit from finding spaces for Lat Am ideas in the north #salalm61 Sarah Buck Kachaluba sarahbuck71
RT @alisonhicks0: Majority of tools for digital scholarship developed in north and adapted in south- diff incentive structures and conditio… Alison Hicks alisonhicks0
Field reorientation approach: privileges Latin American innovation, reverse transfer to the North. #salalm61 Sarah Buck Kachaluba sarahbuck71
Southern epistomology = creating metodologies & tools appropriate to local context (instead of south adopting from north) #salalm61 Alison Hicks alisonhicks0
Need to remove tension -transform innovations for local contexts OR create spaces to recognize Lat Am innovations #salalm61 Tim Thompson timathom
Addressing the tension: epistemological approach, adopts Northern tech to Latin American realities. Sounds like antropofagia! #salalm61 Bronwen K. Maxson soccerbrarian
Kramer, Bianca; Bosman, Jeroen (2015): 101 innovations in Scholarly communication – the changing research workflow. @juancommander#salalm61 Tim Thompson timathom
The discussion of technology transfer intersects with global/area studies debate too. Local contexts vs. international trends #salalm61 Sean Knowlton seanknowlton
Alperin:"Many tech tools are developed in the north and adopted in the south. This is problematic" #salalm61 Tim Thompson timathom
Zeno's paradox- Lat Am researchers are always playing catching up with northern tools- adopt/be subjugated or ignore/fall behind #salalm61 Bronwen K. Maxson soccerbrarian
RT @alisonhicks0: Majority of tools for digital scholarship developed in north and adapted in south- diff incentive structures and conditio… Tim Thompson timathom
"Developed in the North, adopted in the South"--tools are developed in diff. material/linguistic contexts. How to break the cycle? #salalm61 Meiyolet Méndez MeiMendez
Majority of tools for digital scholarship developed in north and adapted in south- diff incentive structures and conditions #salalm61 Alison Hicks alisonhicks0
#Salalm61 opening at SALALM. https://t.co/Uzl62T9Be3 Daisy V. Domínguez daisilla
RT @m_gasparotto: Congratulations to Sarah Buck Kachaluba, winner of the Medina Award for her critical edition and new translation of Eugen… Adan Griego infantisimo
RT @soccerbrarian: Charles Hale discusses principles of post-custodial digital archiving, open access, and social justice with an ethic of… Columbia CHRDR HRDocumentation
#salalm61 is off to an impressive start. Insightful keynote by Charles Hale. Glad to be here! Melissa Gasparotto m_gasparotto
Illustrious salalmero and #salalm61 host Miguel Valladares https://t.co/bBa5FTMdV8 Melissa Gasparotto m_gasparotto
Charles Hale discusses principles of post-custodial digital archiving, open access, and social justice with an ethic of care #salalm61#oa Bronwen K. Maxson soccerbrarian
RT @m_gasparotto: Charles Hale gives #salalm61 keynote, "Finding the 'sweet spot' of collaborations between collections and scholarship/tea… Melissa Gasparotto m_gasparotto
Very interesting background story of UT-Austin LLILAS-Benson partnership by Charles Hale at #salalm61 Adan Griego infantisimo
RT @m_gasparotto: Charles Hale gives #salalm61 keynote, "Finding the 'sweet spot' of collaborations between collections and scholarship/tea… Melissa Gasparotto m_gasparotto
Charles Hale gives #salalm61 keynote, "Finding the 'sweet spot' of collaborations between collections and scholarship/teaching." Adan Griego infantisimo
RT @m_gasparotto: Congratulations to Sarah Buck Kachaluba, winner of the Medina Award for her critical edition and new translation of Eugen… Sarah Buck Kachaluba sarahbuck71
RT @m_gasparotto: Congratulations to Sarah Buck Kachaluba, winner of the Medina Award for her critical edition and new translation of Eugen… Meiyolet Méndez MeiMendez
RT @m_gasparotto: Congratulations to Sarah Buck Kachaluba, winner of the Medina Award for her critical edition and new translation of Eugen… Melissa Gasparotto m_gasparotto
Congratulations to Sarah Buck Kachaluba, winner of the Medina Award for her critical edition and new translation of Eugenia! #salalm61 Bronwen K. Maxson soccerbrarian
#salalm61 kicks off with our President Paloma Celis-Carvajal and a maté. https://t.co/xrGkqY6cQr Melissa Gasparotto m_gasparotto
Full house for #salalm61 opening session https://t.co/Sa5tgIs5gC Joanne sewingjoey
@salalm Sorry to be missing #salalm61, hope to tune in to the live stream roundtables though! Best to all for a fantastic conference! Tina aboutness
In the office working on presentations for #salalm61, trying to finish so I can get up north for Mother's Day & back to fly out Mon morning. Bronwen K. Maxson soccerbrarian